Monday, March 22, 2010

Words To Live By Gathers Speed

It’s great to be able to say to my students, I know just what you’re going through because I’m going through it, too. The book is on fast forward, moving faster than I ever dreamed it would.

Here’s what I’ve done:

  • Had my manuscript copy edited
  • Purchased my ISBNs
  • Had my book cover and interior designed (now in layout)
  • Applied for a fictitious name for my publishing company
  • Opened an account with CreateSpace to publish the book
  • Begun to fill out their voluminous application forms
  • Created a new Web site and ShopSite store
  • Developed a detailed marketing plan
  • Registered my copyright
  • Designed bookmarks

What are my next steps?

  • Read galleys and have them copy edited
  • Create list and send out readers’ copies
  • Write press release and set up press room on Web site
  • Make a list of local TV and radio talk shows
  • Write talking points for interviews
  • Contacted a copy editor for the galley proofs
  • Begun to request testimonials from fellow authors