Friday, July 31, 2009

7 Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed

It's a jungle out there in the blogosphere. How do you get noticed? How do you get read? I've been trying to figure that out for as long as I've been blogging, so I decided to do some research. It may may look like a lot of work to post, submit, send, register, and so forth in all these places; but if you feel virtually invisible (as I do), here are 7 ways to get your blog out where people may actully read it. What a concept!

1. Submit your blog to blog directories: BlogCatlog (one of the largest on the Internet) and check out Search Engine Journal for the top 20 essential blog directories.

2. Recommend great blogs: copyblogger (more tips than you can implement on blogging), remarkablogger (remarkable blog consulting & coaching), writetodone (about the craft and the art of writin; also known as Zen Habits). They might recommend you back.

3. Check out (simple tools and tactics to grow your business on line), JTPratt's Blogging Mistakes (a virtual online guide to everything) and (a service to update different search engines that your blog has updated).

4. Use TwitterFeed to link your blog posts to twitter.

5. Submit your blog to MyBlogLog (a social network for the blogger community that uses a popular web widget), Bumpmee (for creating your own page at www.habbo .com), (a ping server that automatically notifies subscribers when new content is posted to a website or blog), (a place for people to discover and share content from the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blogs) (major search engine and getting bigger every day), (which helps you discover the best on the web), (lets you instantly save and find any website with one click).

6. Link to (the biggest collection of social bookmarks in the universe).

7. Sign up for an account on Technorati, (an Internet search engine for searching blogs).


JTPratt said...

Hey, thanks for the link! I appreciate it, and a great post for helping fellow bloggers to get found!

Tomorrows Prophecy said...

Dear Bobbi,
Thanks so much for emailing the link to your incredible, organized, and searchable blog. In addition, whoever advises you on your emailing-strategy has got to be some kinda marketing super-swami or something: usually, I don't bite the first bait dangling in the mirky mire of my swollen email waters, but you didn't have anything to "swear to" or sell, and that threw me off-guard,...ergo, voila! Thank God! Here I be!
Doc Edwards